
Restoring an oops in SharePoint

We have a customer that we picked up in the middle of an on-premise to SharePoint migration. The migration had so many issues that they let him go and brought us in to replace him entirely. I’d been working with the onsite guy for a while and warned him about putting excessive numbers of files…

Programmatically Create Containers in Bulk in Firefox

I created this a while back when I was playing with ChatGPT, it really helped speed the development of this solution. Our company had been acquired and I wanted to take the new and old client list and basically map containers to the clients, thereby keeping cookies in distinct containers. Old Company used ConnectWise Manage…

Creating a custom option in Windows 11 mini context menu

On my previous W11, I disabled the mini menu, or dynamic menu or W11 menu, immersive context menu, I’ve seen it named a dozen different things with no consistency coming from Microsoft. At work, I’ve left it enabled without much hassle. I really wanted to keep it enabled at home but 7zip options being relegated…

Dealing with a 1 million line CSV file

I’m doing a cloud migration to a SharePoint library, it’s for a law office so they have tons of documents, pictures, video, audio, and many many folders. After addressing the various oddities with Migration Manager… Ok, a quick tangent, if you have a path C:\Shares\General and the share is “General” and you want to migration…

Penn Station Coupon Hacking

I’ve always enjoyed hacking the Penn Station coupons, because they’re so poorly secured. I got an email from Penn Station on the weekend and they have a “slot machine” it seems to run and then randomly send you to another page that generates a coupon. First thing I noticed is that the url: is simply…

ThreatLocker & CCleaner breaking Office products, a trifecta problem

The hardest problems to diagnose are those involving multiple products. We received a call from one of our managed customers, he had an existing PC when we onboarded them. His initial call claimed that ThreatLocker had blocked his Excel program. That seemed unlikely, so I glanced at the audit log and didn’t see anything and…

Sonicwall fix for QUIC UDP Issue

If you want the super quick answer it’s “UDP Flood Protection”, increase packet limit or disable it. Now the journey and longer answer: Fixing my own problems are always the hardest, I guess it’s because they’re memorable, little irritations that I fix for customers I do for myself instantly without even thinking about it or…

Security Defaults, embrace or disable?

New Microsoft 365 tenants have this enabled by default, I usually leave it on while people get logged in, so that we can see if it’s viable to stay on it. If we get everyone on MFA with Authenticator app, it’s usually better to leave SD enabled. Sorry I’ll be using that abbreviation for the…

Trigger a Task from an Event

or how I got ConnectWise Control to switch to single monitor when I remote connected. I’m pretty proud of this solution that I whipped up on the fly one morning. One gripe our techs had was that when we connected in the field from a single monitor PC using Control, it always displayed all monitors…


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