Programmatically Create Containers in Bulk in Firefox

I created this a while back when I was playing with ChatGPT, it really helped speed the development of this solution. Our company had been acquired and I wanted to take the new and old client list and basically map containers to the clients, thereby keeping cookies in distinct containers. Old Company used ConnectWise ManageContinue reading “Programmatically Create Containers in Bulk in Firefox”

Creating a custom option in Windows 11 mini context menu

On my previous W11, I disabled the mini menu, or dynamic menu or W11 menu, immersive context menu, I’ve seen it named a dozen different things with no consistency coming from Microsoft. At work, I’ve left it enabled without much hassle. I really wanted to keep it enabled at home but 7zip options being relegatedContinue reading “Creating a custom option in Windows 11 mini context menu”

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