ThreatLocker & CCleaner breaking Office products, a trifecta problem

The hardest problems to diagnose are those involving multiple products. We received a call from one of our managed customers, he had an existing PC when we onboarded them. His initial call claimed that ThreatLocker had blocked his Excel program. That seemed unlikely, so I glanced at the audit log and didn’t see anything andContinue reading “ThreatLocker & CCleaner breaking Office products, a trifecta problem”

Weakness in Microsoft Email Encryption (OME)

If PGP is pretty good privacy, perhaps OME should be called one mediocre encryption. A co-worker let me know about a possible issue with Microsoft 365 email encryption. I looked into it and found the source: The encryption weakness here is already well known and Microsoft won’t be fixing it. ECB encrypts data in blocks,Continue reading “Weakness in Microsoft Email Encryption (OME)”

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