TIL Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole uses legacy name rather than FQDN or hostname

I always have to google this command but I also love how concise it is for moving all FSMO in one command. I’ve run into this problem twice now and I finally noticed the problem when working on a DC that I didn’t originally spin up. I kept getting this response: Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole : Cannot findContinue reading “TIL Move-ADDirectoryServerOperationMasterRole uses legacy name rather than FQDN or hostname”

Subaddressing or Plus addressing email

I love when I learn about something I’ve completely missed. I was reading a tweet by Troy Hunt from HIBP (HaveIBeenPwned), and someone in the replies was like, “cryptocurrency lets you assign unique addresses to each wallet, when will email have this function?” And someone else replied, “you can do that with plus addressing, GoogleContinue reading “Subaddressing or Plus addressing email”

TIL Class GUID link in Device Manager and Regedit

This will be a short one, we had an issue where the keyboard stopped working on reboot. The keyboard device was having an upperfilter driver added to it. Removing the extra entry and then rescanning for devices caused it to work again. As I searched for solutions, I noticed that each guid in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ coveredContinue reading “TIL Class GUID link in Device Manager and Regedit”

Windows 11 product key works on Windows 10 installation

Lots of info online about “You got a Windows 11 preinstall, well you can install Windows 10, no problem.” Some articles had conflicting information saying you would need a downgrade kit or something. So when in doubt, just try it yourself. I downloaded the stock Windows 10 Media Creator and made an ISO and loadedContinue reading “Windows 11 product key works on Windows 10 installation”

TIL – Today I Learned

Maybe this will be a series but I seem to learn something everyday, so figured in diary style I’ll see if I can share something on a regular basis. I was aware there are different wireless standards for cellphones. Qi and PMA, but the thing I learned is Qi is pronounce, “Chee”. It’s not groundContinue reading “TIL – Today I Learned”

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